I really do not know where to begin with this, or exactly know what to say. As I do not know who to really address this to. Accept to those that are supposedly wanting me to see & show this MESSAGE OF CYDONIA! I guess this would go to them.
As it stands now, I have been studying & working with this CODE THING, since October/November 2006. I feel like I have came a long way, yet also I feel I not made it very far in translating what I see this code says. I would also like to state that I am learning lots of things through this THING! Understandings & concepts of varied fields of research, scientific concepts, & processes, as well as learning about COMMUNICATION. As what it is trying to teach me about what this THING is... A COMMUNICATION! Multi leveled & Multi Purposed. I learn more as I continue on, with using the Human Mind as a major tool needed to be apart of this THING to learn to see & understand this all.
Now in doing so since I 1st began this journey into the Twilight Zone, It is obvious that part of this THING, is to finger point to us all some important information trying to be told. About Mars. The REAL MARS! What is shows as it's surface, as well as the Intelligent Life that this code wants us all to see SURVIVES THERE! Showing us New Faces of Mars images not seen by the public before until this Video, this surface features to the COVER, the circle,.. The Cover story, called Mars! Covering the CODE OF CYDONIA!
Now apart of all that, being finger pointed to & at is Richard Hoagland! Especially it tells & wants us to see he is in connection to these Disclosures about Mars & also it's secret images. Wether or not it is true, as he knows how I feel, I had reason to think & believe he knew more than what he was ABLE???,... To say or tell me about it. But I was NOT taking MY FRIENDS ADVICE! To drop this!! So he set me up. In more ways than one when I look back at various stuffs where he was involved with me. In regards to my work, The show, & also in regards to my investigation into these MYSTERIOUS PICTURES! That the code finger points to him, as being the someone or something that is working to prevent us from learning the whole truth about this all! That made me mad. Pissed off really! As he also knows!
HOWEVER... That being said, he also KNOWS how I feel about the obvious sense that he was fitted into this THING, & I was also, to be a means to have it out with him! Pitted against each other by design. Again, I am not sure if this is a good thing, or a bad thing, considering what he did to me & all. But he is privy to more things than I am regards to all this stuffs, & I am ignorant of much & nearly all of that! So I am taking it that someone wanted to HELP ME to see what has been done to me, & why! Because of this CODE OF CYDONIA'S MESSAGE!
As I said, I am learning more & what I am learning will be able to help me see that message more clearer as I learn this language better. This is not & has not been easy to do. By the actions taken against me by him, my life & my family are in extreme duress & stress right to this day because of that what went on back then! Him & I had a falling out over this THING because I chose NOT to simply take his advice & drop this CODE OF CYDONIA! Without reason why for me to do so. If this code is right about him, it seems he would have an edge over the ones who wanted me & us all to know more about him that he not wished to be known or connected to in regards to These MYSTERIOUS PICTURES, showing new Faces of Mars Images, & these bizzarre videos he played a part in & followed a SCRIPT for! It is obvious to me these peoples are out to get him for things done in the past. His past that pissed someone off bad enough to fit him in this THING! But then that being said,.. I look at Myself!
Did I do something to deserve what is happening to my life & my family?? Why am I fitted? Why did they choose me to pit against him? Because as I see it now, I am more the one being PUNISHED THEN HE IS!! I dared to have THE BALLS to still continue on this INVESTIGATION regardless what HE said or thinks. because things NOT added up & this demands INVESTIGATION! If naught but for these MYSTERIOUS PICTURES showing new Faces of Mars itself!!! But Hoagland is a Prime force behind this Code & it's finger pointing for us to seek information.
BUT HE AINT TELLING!!! If he does know something, which I am sure he does, he aint coming out with it! So what does that do for me & us all to get answers if all is dependant upon HIM to get these answers??? Or is this also to destroy my life, because of my ability or potential thereof to be a thorn in someones ass also??? Therefore I am fitted to be punished also?? Hey, I do not know what to think anymore. All I know is that I was done wrongly! I was set up & handled to try to prevent me from Investigating into this deeper! yet by what I see, there are more positives for me to consider that I am NOT the target of punishment, but one for being the most able to enlighten & dis-cover information & be able to present it? If that is so,... I must ask, in what is going on in my life to myself & my family, then why aint there ANY HELP COMING OUR WAY????
If I am someone that is supposed & wanted to see & reveal this, as MARS REVEALER, (puns intended & connected) then why is it I am seeing nothing & receiving nothing in terms of help??? Especially FINANCIAL!!!
In spite of my dark times going on, I spit at all who said to drop this, because it will only get worse. really? If that was the case, how come they not see into this THING at all for them to show?? Because how would they know it is this THING that is doing it to me, & NOT as the code says, That someone, or something, is the one doing the preventing me from doing anything with this that will matter my success or not in revealing it????
It seems null anyway to keep thinking about that shit!
So.... To keep this simple, I am NEEDING HELP!!! INFORMATION!! FINANCIAL!! ANY OTHER ASPECT THAT CAN HELP ENSURE MY SUCCESS at whatever it is I am supposed to do or be! because as I said, if Hoagland is the bad guy here, then why am I the one being Punished??? Or was my connection to Hoagland more a threat to someone or something, with me on his side?? That someone wanted to stop!
All I know is this, that I am making another stand now. This one I am demanding some form of communication! Some form of Help! Some form of Financial stability that will allow me to survive as I continue this work, or all can KISS MY ASS!!! If I am fitted to be someone needed to do something important as this code suggests, & I am THE MOST REACHABLE TO RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE, Then I need YOUR HELP FROM WHO ARE THE ONES THAT WANT ME TO SUCCEED!!
Unless, apart of this message of "AND IF IT IS, WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH EARTH,.. means that I am gonna be blown away?? AS ONE FACE... OF UNDERSTANDING? Then I suggest YOU come do it now!!! Because as JOHN CONNOR, as Hoagland called me, saying that is who I am, before we stopped talking, I am gonna rock your world if I get the chance & you are the enemy!!! Martians or not!
But If my enemy you are, those that wanted me to see & Reveal this THING, if I was a threat, I already am convinced, by what I am CONSIDERING by what I was shown & told in this code already, I should already be dead!! If I was the bad guy or the enemy! Why would my enemy want to provide me with INFORMATION?? WITH HELP ALSO IN FINGER POINTING??? WITH DESCRIBING WHAT HE DID TO ME???
One way or another, a clear set up is seen in this & many who are reading & have seen this & the outpouring to callin out Hoagland also see it as a set up! Fine! But that aint enough for them! Maybe also not enough for me. because as I said, it seems I am the one being punished, & he is the one gaining rewards, whrreas me & my family are about to be on the street, & all that is happening that is JUST NOT NATURAL FOR ALL SO MANY THINGS TO BE GOING WRONG!!
So if John Connor I am.. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PROTECTION?? Where & who is my friends??? Hoagland seems to think I have new friends!! That is steering me. What friends??? Ones through TIME in the past or the future???? What the fuck good does that do me here & NOW???? Especially if I fail to make it to the future???
I am failing with this CODE OF CYDONIA ALSO!! Time has definitely been crossed or seen through to create this THING inside the cover surface story of MARS!
Now maybe I am not meant to succeed at this? I am uncertain anymore of that. But one thing I am certain of NOW! IN THIS TIME!! I AM NOT DOING NOTHING ELSE TO THIS THING... UNTIL I GET INFORMATION AS HELP!! FINANCES AS HELP!!! OR ANY OTHER HELP THAT I NEED TO SECURE MY SUCCESS AT REVEALING THIS! As well as helping me take care of myself & my family!! If I am important at all in being the one to REVEAL THIS THINGS MESSAGE,... Then it is NOT wrong or bad for me to ask openly FOR MUCH NEEDED HELP!! Will it help if I ask PLEASE????
Ok... PLEASE HELP???????
I also wish to address this question of HELP to someone named:
Now in the early days of my uncovering what I found & the start of my investigation into this THING, a person named: SPEC7SRAMSL3CL5, came out of nowhere, in the Enterprise Mission Conference Center BBS to address me & others.
He said:
NOT unusual
Why should it be unusual to find MANY faces and artifacts on a planet/former moon, on which for untold generations an advanced civilization thrived ?Owing to the probability that part of the planet/moon was covered by water there should be regions where there are no constructs.Also owing to the probability that an entire side of the planet/moon was devastated by heavy bombardment, both by asteroids(parts of former mother planet) and by weaponry.In spite of the vast areas of destruction some intact artifacts have survived. However some have sustained MAJOR DAMAGE and all that is left is a small part of their former glory.On the face of it (Mars) are still many wonders yet to be discovered.(but hardly anyone discusses the treasures underground)>>>>>>><<<<<<<
Why should it be unusual to find MANY faces and artifacts on a planet/former moon, on which for untold generations an advanced civilization thrived ?Owing to the probability that part of the planet/moon was covered by water there should be regions where there are no constructs.Also owing to the probability that an entire side of the planet/moon was devastated by heavy bombardment, both by asteroids(parts of former mother planet) and by weaponry.In spite of the vast areas of destruction some intact artifacts have survived. However some have sustained MAJOR DAMAGE and all that is left is a small part of their former glory.On the face of it (Mars) are still many wonders yet to be discovered.(but hardly anyone discusses the treasures underground)>>>>>>><<<<<<<
Last edited by on 08-24-2006 at 11:23 PM
Last edited by on 08-24-2006 at 11:23 PM
Now mind you all, this guy was NOT a member of the conference center & on the message post to where someone posts, it always says when someone registered. His said... NOT YET! Ha ha ha ha ha(The puns are funny) Because it aint just funny to NOT YET meaning he not registered there, but what I feel he meant by that being said there, MEANT NOT YET! REGISTERED THE IMPLICATION OF HIS BEING THERE!!!
Anyway,.. I replied to him saying:
Hi Spec. Welcome to the Good Ship Enterprise. :-)Now.. I am curious to hear the story of that strange name of yours. ;-)care to please tell? :-)Also, I agree with the underground scenario. I believe mars is still INHABITED, & underneath the cover of it all, like this Face Of Mars Brothers story,.. Lyes within the structure that tells the story. That is what the radar is for if we can actually get that data & see it.But my take is that we will have to wait to go there & Go through Laney's Doorway to Martian Madness through the corner of the D&M pyramid to enter that madness within. ;-)I am now trying to acquire & see the treasures above ground before I decide to tackle what's underneath. Because some are hiding the stuff above ground that concerns me at the immediate moment. Hope your reading & seeing & enjoying the story thus far. More will be added tonight.Peace...MARS REVEALER
08-24-2006 01:04 PM
Then he replied:
Praise THE LORD Brother !!!
Spec7sramSL3CL5Spec7 = Military Specialist Level/rank 7sram = MARS spelled backward = post locationSL3 = Subsurface Level 3CL5 = Security Clearance 5
(this is purely imaginary, we do not have a fleet of ships which DO NOT use chemical propulsion, we do not have a significant MILITARY presence underground on MARS TODAY, and we certainly DO NOT spend trillions of dollars in BLACK OPS money discovering the ancient technology and treasures of MARS)
(also today we do not have a shortage of budget or manpower to fight the war in IRAQ)
Thanks for the welcome.There is FAR MORE beneath the surface of MARS than is revealed on the surface.A basic survival scenario is to DIG IN.(also there is no "hollow planets" theory that is viable, just ignore it, move along, nothing to see here, just crazy theories, put your blinders back on, dig into the ice cream and tv and designer drugs and alcohol)
The powers that be do not want you to know, do not want you to go.They want to keep us all fat, dumb, and happy watching TV, stuffing our face, and doing whatever keeps us drugged out.
It is all about POWER and CONTROL, the HAVES and the have nots.
It is a game of deception and lies.Playing off one nation against another.
One race against another.One religion against another.
Wars and rumors of wars.Power and control.
A great deal is known by the powers that be that in their minds is ABOVE MOST SECRET.
They have the power, and they DO NOT WANT YOU TO EVER KNOW.
Last edited by on 08-24-2006 at 11:27 PM
Last edited by on 08-24-2006 at 11:27 PM
Then he replied again:
Just because something is not detectedby your biological sensors, does not place it in another dimension.Just another wondering soul trying to make his way home.Some things are better sensed in the dream state. (somewhere in California)I believe there are other dimensional levels. I have enough problems just dealing with this one. (I'll take 3 cards)Reality is something that you THINK that you know, but if you ever FACE it it will scare the yell outta ya.Back to ice cream, tv, and loafing.
Just because something is not detectedby your biological sensors, does not place it in another dimension.Just another wondering soul trying to make his way home.Some things are better sensed in the dream state. (somewhere in California)I believe there are other dimensional levels. I have enough problems just dealing with this one. (I'll take 3 cards)Reality is something that you THINK that you know, but if you ever FACE it it will scare the yell outta ya.Back to ice cream, tv, and loafing.
08-25-2006 03:21 AM
Then in comes Hoagland. It seems he was tit for tattin Spec7! Look what he said:
I think Spec7sramSL3CL5 has an extremely fine-tuned sense of humor ... about some of the most serious aspects of our existence on this planet. As he says, "they" may not want us to know about many, many things. But, as many have seen develop here ... "things" have a way of "leaking out."How else would we ALL be here, discussing this ... at "Enterprise?" Another critical detail: our "opposition" is no longer monolithic. There is an increasingly visible "war" going on "inside" ... which is revealing many aspects of what our friend was carefully alluding to. This will accelerate ... as we get ever closer to that "magic" date of--2012.Stay tuned.RCH
09-01-2006 03:51 AM
Then a reply back from Spec7!
Accelerate they shall.
Accelerate they shall.
In the same way the fifth planet was destroyed and Mars was laid to waste, a mere vestige of her former glory.
Last edited by on 09-01-2006 at 09:36 AM
Last edited by on 09-01-2006 at 09:36 AM
Now in consideration to this & to Spec7, I openly APOLAGIZE to him! As I was ignorant of the HELP he tried giving me there in what he said. I only hope if he sees this, he accepts my apolagies for my ignorance unto him.
I also wish to ask him openly here & now, if he can by chance please contact me through email or in this Blog! I am now asking him for MUCH NEEDED HELP & ADVICE!! I will know it is him, by what I will ask him of what I said to him & what reply he given me once in private! Incase someone wants to pretend to be him. There are ALOT OF POZERS NOW as well as before, who wanted to have me heed their advice as if they knew what was & is going on then,.. As well as NOW!! I need your help!!
SO... WHO CAN????