Introduction : Possible Images of New Mars Faces Surfacing in 1993
In a video produced circa 1993 images appear in the background that appear to show new Mars facelike objects , similar to that found near Cydonia Mensa on Mars in 1976 in frame 35A72 and later found in frame 70A13 by Vince DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar.
In the orginal discovery images in Cydonia Mensa , a large pyramid was also found near the face in Cydonia. It was subsequently discovered by John Brandenburg that two possible new faces , one bearing a close resemblance to the original Cydonia Face existed on frame 86A10 in the Utopia region, with numerous other features suggesting archeological ruins in the same immediate area. These Utopia objects have been now confirmed in recent Mars Odyssey images. The Viking image discoveries were all documented in numerous scientific abstracts and in the booklet Unusual Mars Surface Features Edition IV.
The discovery of possible archeological monuments and ruins at two widely separated sites on Mars, yet both sharing similar characteristics of location, near the 0 km elevation line , near ancient flowing water, provokes the hypothesis of the presence of an extinct civilization on Mars, dating from the end of a long period of Earthlike climate. The fact that large carved humanoid faces in helmets, similar in form to the Olmec heads found in Central America, would be found at both sites, with the Utopia faces being somewhat smaller, suggests that relics of the hypothetical extinct civilization would be found widely on the planet, and that the helmeted head, similar to the Olmec heads on Earth, was an important icon of the civilization and would also be found , perhaps on smaller scales in regions of the planet that supported the civilization.
The Viking Mission of both A and B orbiters was extended at the end of their planned mission to support the Viking landers and near the end of the extended mission the orbits of both spacecraft were lowered and took many images at 10 meter per pixel resolution. This was 5 times better resolution than the images in the early mission, such as 35A72. These images were not brought to film for many years, remaining unseen, and the possibility exists that, if a hypothesized dead Martian civilization exists, then images of new artifacts, including new, smaller faces, could have been found in these extended mission images, which were never released to the public.
Therefore, the following investigation is based on the two simplest possibilities for images of new faces in the 1993 videotape, have been made. The two simplest possibilities are 1. they are simply paste up fakes made as background for the show, or 2. extended mission Viking frames showing , new , smaller versions of faces like those in Cydonia and Utopia, that were leaked by intelligence sources to the shows producers.
A third possibility exists they are truly sophisticated fakes, but this would require resources and motivation that would seem an unlikely match to the circumstances, since the images were used merely as back drops for a video. It is also true that with additional faces already found in Utopia in 1984, images of still additional faces are less important and therefore, motivation to fake them in sophisticated way is absent.
The fact also remains that if the images are truly sophisticated fakes then it will be nearly impossible to detect this, given that the images available are video out-takes of backdrop images. Therefore, in this preliminary investigation, we will simply assume, that the images are either possibilities 1. or 2.: crude fakes or authentic Viking images.
II Examination of the Images
Images 1,2,and 3 show face-like objects similar to that in Cydonia but not identical. Before examining the faces in detail it worthwhile to note other features of the images.
Two features of the context of the faces in the images are immediately apparent, the landscapes have very little cratering, and a dark circle appears in two images , that is small compared to the faces.
The lack of cratering restricts the location of the images to small regions near the 0 km elevation line in the northern hemisphere of Mars, such regions are Cydonia, Nilosytris , Dueteronilus that formed in the early Amazonian epoch of Mars, and date from the last years of Earthlike conditions on Mars. . Much imagery in the extend mission was taken in these areas. This also means that much of this landscape has been imaged in earlier , lower resolution images , so it should be possible to identify the location in terms of longitude and latitude of the landscapes seen in the images.
The water spot that forms a dark circle in the images is seen in the earlier A space craft images that are oddly numbered ( both spacecraft carried two cameras and only one of the cameras on the A spacecraft had a circular lens spot.)
Figure 1. Original face in Cydonia from 35A72. Note small crater beside Face.
70a13 Face
Figure 2. New face 1 with lens spot ring from same frame inset to show relative scale.
Figure 3. New face 2. No lens spot in picture.
Figure 4. New face 3. Note lens spot beside face.
The new faces look different I n detail from the original face in Cydonia seen in Figure 1. However, in the orginal form 35A72 where the lens spot appears , it is the approximately same size as the face. The spot looks very similar to that seen in the other Viking images. The pixels in 35A72 were approximately 55meters across. Since the circle is fixed on the lens it has a diameter of the same number of pixels in diameter in all images , approximately 150 pixels diameter. If the original Cydonia face was imaged at 5x the orginal resolution of 10 meters per pixel , the pixel size for late extended missions of the Viking spacecraft, then the circle would shrink relative to the image size of the Cydonia face , and be approximately the size of the crater to the bottom left of the Cydonia face in Figure 1. . The fact that appears as roughly 1/3 the size of the new facelike objects 1, and 3 , seen in Figure 2, and 4, means that these objects are approximately 1/3 the size of the original Cydonia face. Unfortunately the circle does not appear in the image of facelike object 2, so we can only guess its size is also small.
III Preliminary Conclusions
At this stage, no evidence that the new facelike objects are simply cut and paste versions of the orginal Cydonia Face images on 35A72 and 70A13 exists. The faces are all different in detail from those images. The objects appearance appears consistent, at least for objects 1 and 3, with the objects being imaged in the late extended Viking mission. Given the presence of face-like objects in Utopia, of smaller size than the face in Cydonia, the possibility exists that a hypothetical Martian civilization, now extinct, would have created multiple copies, on smaller scale, of the original face. It is therefore possible that these objects are then additional faces. It is possible also, that images have never been released to the public because of their provocative character.
Therefore, a preliminary conclusion is that the images are authentic and are from the late extended mission and reveal smaller, approximately 1/3 scale ( assuming 10 meter pixels) versions of the faces seen in Cydonai and Utopia. These images may have been supplied as “deep background” material to the makers of the video and may have never been released to the public.
The landscape in the in the images resembles that found near the Northern 0km evlation line, due to its absence of craters. The objects are probably then from the Cydonia Mensa region also and may perhaps be found in lower resolution images of the same area, from the Viking or later missions.
Dr. "SOURCE"... (with held..for now)